Welcome to Athletic Alabama.

Our mission is to restore value in communities and people through sports and recreation. Through rehabilitating and maintaining public parks used for sports and recreation, we aim to combat community deterioration and lessen the burdens of local government. In addition to targeting youth delinquency by hosting events that introduce youth to new sports, Athletic Alabama plans to donate to existing community sports and recreation programs and partner with other non-profits who improve the community.

We strive to uplift and empower communities through alternative sports across Alabama. Let's embark on this journey of community building and support together.

Join the Movement.

Community initiatives

Trail clean up

Athletic Alabama and Birmingham Bike Polo sponsor a section of Birmingham’s city trail system. To maintain the trail, the club meets every 3rd Sunday of the month at the start of the trail section next to Ghost Train Brewery to pick up trash, clear leaves, and weed. Then it’s on to friendly pick up games at Fountain Heights Recreation Center!

Kids bike drive

Over the 2023 winter holidays, Birmingham Bike Polo joined forces with Redemptive Cycles and the Fountain Heights Community to host a kid’s bike drive, providing free brand new bikes to children in the neighborhood. The event was featured on WBRC Fox6 News. After the giveaway, a bike skills demo was hosted to teach proper riding safety.

Come to our next event.